"Yo soy un sueño, un imposible. Vano fantasma de niebla y luz. Soy incorpórea, soy intangible." No puedo amarte... G. A. Bécquer
Monday, July 28, 2008
A veces quisiera que te lo callaras todo. Quisiera que te convirtieras en humo. No es lo más fácil tenerte y luego perderte. Hay tantas cosas que no se han dicho y a la vez nada más que decir. Esas palabras se quedaron ahogadas en mi garganta. Murieron tan pronto salieron del alma. Ahí, en mi corazón, están bien. Entre algodones que me hacen sentir que no me duelen. Encerradas tras una puerta que hace mucho perdí la llave. Y no se abre, no hay nada más que hacer. No se abrirá, no al menos cuando tú tocas. No debes tocar, debes forzar la puerta. Hay tantas cosas que quisiera decirte pero no tengo las fuerzas. No estoy preparada para dejar caer las barreras que con tanto esfuerzo construí. Y me dueles, y me dan ganas de llorar. A veces, sola en mi cuarto encuentro tantas cosas que me llenan de tí. Me intoxica esta soledad . Esta soledad que que ya no sé si elegí o me toca. Y te llenas de cicatrices de tatuajes que van poco a poco marcando tu cuerpo. Me lleno de ganas de besar tus labios. Me lleno de ganas de sólo decir tu nombre. Dibujarlo con trazos vagos en la memoria. Recorrer cada centrímeto de cuerpo como si no hubiera mañana, como si el tiempo se esfumara cada caricia. Pero me dueles. Pero el tiempo no se esfuma, sigue, castiga. Y te recorro de nuevo, buscando ese lugar común que ambos tenemos. Estamos ahí, desnudos. Y nadie dice nada, ahogando también caricias que pueden demostrar que no es sólo un juego. Y se agolpan las palabras que de ser dichas llenarían el alma hasta romperla. Entonces no decimos nada, nos guardamos esas caricias y esas palabras. Entonces regresamos, como siempre, como nunca. Regreso a ese cuerpo que he memorizado. Regresas a mi cuerpo que te reconoce como su dueño.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Letting this go...
I'm letting go. I'm letting go because I'm tired and I'm hurt. I never thought I could feel this way, I never thought you would be the source of this pain. It hurts, too much and too often to let it go. I can deal with not loving, with not liking, with men in general. That doesn't break me, at least not yet. But when it comes to friends, I'm with no protection, walls down, vulnerable. You broke me, you broke what we had and it was beyond repair. I can't see past all that, past our stupid pride, our hurtful words and our actions. I can't. I'm not the forgiving type. I'm sorry. It hurts cause I was stupid and I tried, once and again to get you back. I was stupid enough to think a stupid perfect gift would make it right. I now know it won't, cause you don't like the person I became. I can make peace with that. I understand that. I'm sorry I'm not the fragile little girl you saved over and over again. You left and I had to deal, I had to grow and to find a way to survive. Just as you changed I did. It's nobody's fault, it's just the way it is.
There is difference, though. That is what kills me, what hurts the most. I tried to understand, I couldn't. Maybe I'm not smart enough, who knows? I want to make all of that go away. I want it to be all right. I also know I can't. You once told me I needed to choose, you said I had to. I guess with you is the same. You made your choice. It hurts cause you didn't have to. Cause she is important to me too, cause I will not leave her, I won't. I refuse to choose, I will not. I do not have to.
There is difference, though. That is what kills me, what hurts the most. I tried to understand, I couldn't. Maybe I'm not smart enough, who knows? I want to make all of that go away. I want it to be all right. I also know I can't. You once told me I needed to choose, you said I had to. I guess with you is the same. You made your choice. It hurts cause you didn't have to. Cause she is important to me too, cause I will not leave her, I won't. I refuse to choose, I will not. I do not have to.
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